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2003-05-06 - 10:46 p.m.

Well, Jay loves his job. So far he's getting along well with his coworkers. He feels useful and needed. Yay!

The commute still sucks but he's coping okay. It's not the driving so much but the time. He needs more hours of sleep than he's been getting. I'm not sure how we'll work this out. Maybe he can work 4 10 hour days or maybe down the road a bit, we can afford for him to take a room so he can stay down there during the week.

We'll see. His first paycheck is Friday. Then we'll know what the takehome amount is.

My work is okay. I'm getting restless though. They are planning to hire me on but not until later (budget concerns until June or so). I'm not sure I want to hang around until later. I like my coworkers well enough. I like the work well enough. But I want to go back to school and start on a slightly different career track.

I should probably go to be and fail to be rested in the am.


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